
COVID – One Year in and Counting


It’s been over a year since the presence of COVID-19 was confirmed in our countries and government took action by shutting down businesses and placing restrictions on residents. Does that seem like forever to you? Or did your time fly by?

Have you taken the time to reflect and imagine what the future might look like?

I don’t have a complete picture; but here are some of my thoughts and observations.


The Short and Long Term Impact of Government Action is Unknown

Much of the world shut down in response to COVID-19. However, not all governments shut down; and the length, severity and geography of the shut downs varied. So did compliance with those orders.

Impacts varied significantly across industrial and employment sectors and demographics. Many people have redefined priorities based on these actions and their perception of the virus. Questions have, and will continue to, arise regarding personal and financial investment in sectors, states, and countries where governments shut down financial activities and closed borders. How risky is it to start or invest in a business when a government can and is willing to cut off your flow of customers with little to no warning? What impact will that have on future employment opportunities?

Other unknowns include: What, if any, extent did lockdowns slow the spread of the virus? How many governmental units will roll back the power and control they have assumed and continue to exercise?

Technology is growing and changing rapidly; but it is also fragile. What will its future role in our lives be? Are we moving into a future where global corporations are more powerful than individual governments and their leaders? How will the past year influence our mindsets, lives, relationships and opportunities in the near and distant future?


Some Virus Impacts Were Positive

So much of the news and focus was on the negative aspects of the virus. However, restrictions and personal responses to concerns about the virus have had positive and negative effects.

Travel was restricted; but travel was possible. Some chose to redirect money they had planned to spend on travel to debt reduction. In doing so, they missed out on business trips, vacation trips, and trips to see loved ones; but made significant progress towards financial stability and independence. Other people remodeled their homes, chose to invest extra dollars, or traveled anyway.

Temporary government shut downs forced a revaluation in lifestyles. Which did you miss more: the ability to go to a restaurant or actually eating out? Did you order take out, learn to cook, or cook at home more? Many who reduced their consumption of restaurant food focused on trying new recipes, recreating meals they’d only had at restaurants or a friend’s home. In doing so, they had fun and saved money, which in turn went to debt reduction.

The lockdowns and virus concerns gave some families the opportunity to slow down and reconnect with one another. A forced Sabbath gave others much needed time to slow down, think, and get back in touch with their values.

Some people used the opportunity to learn new skills or gain certificates to move ahead.

After years of debating work from home, companies and employees found themselves with no option. It has worked fantastically well for some. Others have already begun returning to the office.


Remember to Look Before You Leap

Our first reactions have consequences. Know your defaults; so (if you are not in immediate danger) you can consciously take a moment to give your brain time to sort through alternatives before making choices.

What was your response when things started shutting down? How did you adapt going forward?


Isaac Newton Was Right

A body at rest does tend to remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force. COVID weight gain is a thing for many of us. I did way too much sitting this past year. Now I am in the process of trying to change habits, so that I get my body moving more often.

What about you? What did you learn about yourself this past year? What changes do you wish to keep? What changes do you need to make going forward?

Are there any unknowns keeping you from moving forward? If so, let’s talk.

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