
Summer of 2020


August has arrived.  Between Memorial Day and now there have been celebrations, protests, riots and battles throughout the world. In the midst of a world-wide pandemic, some economies are opening up, while others stay closed or shut down.

In the U.S., some states formerly recognized Juneteenth and discussions have occurred about making it a national holiday.

July 4th has come and gone, along with celebrations that, depending on your individual, family and community history and local responses to the pandemic, may have been very different or very similar to how you celebrated it in the past. 

Did you write it down?  Is it there for a reminder to you and a shared insight for others in a near and distance future about what the summer of 2020 meant to you?

History is complicated. It may have created our present; but how we each got here isn’t the same. Have you ever wondered why your ancestors made the choices they did?  Have you asked your parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles about events in their lives?  What about your own?  

Don’t lose this moment. Record it for later reflection and future generations.

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