Genealogy/Family History Why Does It Matter?

Not everyone gets the genealogy bug. We get that.

Some people aren't interested in the past. Other people want to know their family history. However, they do not have the time or desire to do the work necessary to compile a family tree, and then fill in their family history. 

After all, compiling a family tree is not a quick process.  It takes time, patience, attention to detail and other resources. However, it is work we love to do.

But why care about your family's background? What difference does it make?

Genealogy is not just about the past. It has impacts today. We build on previous generations' understanding and experiences.

cracked and torn brown tinted photo of old farmstead. A dirt road is in the foreground. A clapboard white house sits behind a wire fence on the right side of the photo. To the left are a few scattered trees in a farmyard.How you view work, family, money, and other mindsets often comes from previous generations’ experience. Some genetic studies infer that your health today is based on the diet of your ancestors.

Family genetics and lifestyles have an influence on your health as well. For instance, what are your family’s comfort foods? How were you taught to deal with success, failure, stress?

These are often learned at very young ages by watching how family members live out their lives.  Without asking questions, though, you may not know why they made the choices that they made.

Your choices are yours to make. However, being able to separate out family background influences from the influences that come from other sources can help you negotiate and change your mindset. Are you repeating the choices of those who came before? Are you making different choices in reaction to choices they made?  Or do your reactions come from another source?  

Are you curious about the settings and circumstances? Want to learn more? Contact us and we will help you get started.

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